June 6, 2022

Yesterday, Marlon had a transfusion as his hemoglobin was low.  As far as the pain and rash go, the doctor thought it may be an autoimmune response.  Some big name but basically the blood vessels get inflamed.  Sounds about right.  Now except for a couple of small bruises and slight redness his legs are better.

He has been getting headaches but it is likely just a reaction to everything he has been through the past couple of days.

And we went home today.  Yay!  His neutrophils are quite low as are his platelets but those are expected.

Getting checked into emergency early Saturday morning was a slow process.  Very slow.  There were about 6 people in the small check-in office, staring at the computer screen, making occasional moves, pointing at the screen, shrugging, and looking confused.  I believe we were one of the first patents to be checked-in under the new computer system that has been two years in the making.  Since then, there have been several confused faces and a great deal of frustration for the already busy nurses at the hospital. Bugs to be dealt with and a learning curve.

I took this picture the night of the lunar eclipse, a short while before the clouds covered it up.


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