January 31, 2021

I am getting the sense of things calming down.  I have time.  What a concept. There are always things to do but I have just sat more.  Not something I typically do much of.  When it is like this, I feel I should be working. And then I look at the inconsistencies of the treatment and I understand why they recommend being available until treatment reaches the maintenance stage.  How he reacts to each stage of treatment and how well he bounces back varies.  He may be feeling ok and have energy but his blood counts show he is still dealing with the onslaught of the chemo.  They wait until the body starts to recover and then blast it again.  Not fun but what do I know?! I am lucky enough to have not been exposed to much cancer in my immediate circle until now.  

I am being taught to take things as they come.  And if necessary, change direction.  And there is always so much to be grateful for.

I had to strain to read what Marlon wrote here. 'miny top hat'. Ah yes, if you look closely there is one on his head


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