October 8, 2020

 Shortly after Peter arrived on his first visit to the hospital, Marlon called for the container because he was going to vomit.  Peter anxiously looks around for a place for himself to do the same.  He is a squeamish person.  In yesterday's visit, Peter calmly sat by as Marlon retched over the container.  Ok maybe not calm but somehow it is different.  I think of this, as, once again, I sit by as Marlon retched and empties his insides.  Poor guy.

On the good side, I do notice he is getting a little stronger.  He doesn't complain as much when he has to walk to the washroom but every other walk, he does complain loudly and resist.

He did a couple of exercises with Tori from physio.  Small ones that he can do without getting up off the bed. He had chemo. He sat up in a chair and listened to his book. He went for another tricycle ride.  Different team members came visiting. All that tires him out.  After each 'event' he rests for a while. Though he didn't really want to, I made him come outside for a short while. He does find the bouncing of the wheelchair uncomfortable and threw up when we came inside.

Then he had a rest with computer time. I went for a walk and then listened in on a high school grad call for Linsy.  Parents didn't need to 'attend' but I half listened in while we had our supper.  Yesterday Peter brought some soup from home and Marlon quite enjoyed it, especially with the black rice crackers Peter introduced us to. We were going to watch a movie on Peter's account but the computer chose that time to update so we just watched something else for a bit.  

It is very likely that we are going home tomorrow.  Still fine tuning how to best get the feeds into Marlon without him throwing them up. It has been over a week we have been in the hospital. So not having been in a car, sensitive to movement, and having a feed an hour before we drive.  Doesn't sound like a recipe for a smooth ride home.  Hopefully we can find a good conversation to distract him with.


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